On the issues
Our City Budget
What does the Ford deal mean for our future and what should we expect out of city government for the next few years.
Brook Park has been running on a shoestring budget for some time now. With ever-growing priorities for spending with items like infrastructure repair, ongoing flooding issues, and economic development needing attention, Tom has a plan for introducing legislation to shore up our budget and get our priorities on track.
Hire a full time grant writer
A full-time interdepartmental grant writer would help to streamline data collection among departments, create efficiencies in order to apply for more grants, and would also bring expertise to finding which available grants our community qualifies for.
Encourage Cuyahoga County to Build an Infrastructure bank
A county-wide infrastructure bank would allow cities easier access to funds for projects and would give our budget and other cities in the county much-needed financial flexibility for infrastructure and economic development.
Update our zoning codes
Updating our zoning codes would help to eliminate excess parking and allow us to zone for the construction of mixed use buildings which would encourage new residents as well as new businesses to move to the city, reducing our bank of unproductive land.
We’ll be releasing new policy items as the campaign wears on, be sure to sign up for updates below!
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