On the issues

Road Repair

Let’s work together to set a new precedent for road repair and leave a lasting legacy for getting the job done.

Roads and sidewalks play a crucial role in the quality of life in our city, and city council is responsible for ensuring they are maintained.

As a member of city council, I will prioritize street and sidewalk repair and work to develop new methods and solutions to identify and address problem areas throughout our community. Investing in our infrastructure is a wise use of taxpayer dollars, and I will work to secure sufficient resources for this essential issue.

Our streets and sidewalks are the foundation of our transportation system and serve as the backbone of our neighborhoods and city. They connect us to our jobs, schools, and homes and are directly linked to the livability of our community. However, as we all know, our roads and sidewalks can become worn down and damaged over time, leading to safety hazards and inconvenience for residents. That is why, as a city council member, I will work with other members and city officials to develop a comprehensive plan to address problem areas throughout our community and use data and feedback from residents to guide our efforts. I will also explore new methods and solutions to identify and address problem areas. Neighboring cities are using technology to assess the condition of our roads and sidewalks, and we can do that too. Additionally, I believe we need to consider researching new materials, techniques, and technologies that could improve the longevity and durability of our infrastructure.

Investing in our infrastructure is a wise use of taxpayer dollars. Well-maintained roads and sidewalks promote economic development and the overall livability of our city. I am committed to prioritizing maintaining and improving our city’s infrastructure and, by doing so, enhancing the quality of life for our residents and ensuring that our community remains safe and prosperous for generations to come.

Pass a Multi-Year Roads Program

Passing a roads program in one year and then agreeing on our intentions to fix other roads in the following year will speed up the process of getting approval and prevent election year haggling over which streets to repair.

Encourage Cuyahoga County to Build an Infrastructure bank

A county-wide infrastructure bank would allow cities easier access to funds for projects and would give our budget and other cities in the county much-needed financial flexibility for infrastructure and economic development.

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